Science & Research


Punat - Kroatia
  • Main problem:
    Loss of biodiversity
  • Subproblem:
    Mass tourism, pollution, bottom-trawl fisheries
  • Consequence:
    Development of solutions , Need for education & awareness
  • Solution:
    Research, education, protection


MareMundi is an Austrian NGO that focuses on fostering marine sciences and the protection of Mediterranean biodiversity. In 2022, we opened the MareMundi Institue Krk (MMIK) on the Croatian Island of Krk that represents the center of MareMundis’ activities. At the MMIK, we offer hands-on marine biology courses for undergraduates, as we are convinced that education is the most powerful tool to create awareness about the numerous environmental issues of our time and to provide a thorough understanding of how crucial it is to preserve natural habitats and biodiversity. This year alone (2024) around 1700 students were taking part in our program („Sea School“) - many more in the years to come! 

At the same time, MareMundi acts as a facilitator for different research projects that take place in the nearby waters of the Adriatic Sea. The facilities at MMIK can be used for research as well as laboratory work. Researchers may use our boat for their field work and benefit from numerous local partners such as diving schools for gear, etc.

Our biggest ongoing research project is named GoDeep and aims at exploring the Krusija Kanal, a channel located between two neighboring islands that hosts the deepest spot of the northern Adriatic (-125 m). The results of this project will feed into the overall goal of MareMundi, which is to achieve and enforce a set of local protected areas in order to give the pristine coastal ecosystems a well-deserved rest and help to preserve their unique biodiversity.

Further, MareMundi supports university students with their bachelor’s or master’s theses, organizes beach clean-ups and public outreach events to also get local communities involved in our efforts to protect the beloved Mediterranean Sea.

Photo Credity by: ©maremundi

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