Science & Research

Wasser 3.0

  • Main problem:
    Uncontrolled entry and distribution of microplastics and micropollutants into our ecosystems
  • Subproblem:
    Contamination of waters. soils, air, animals and human bodies
  • Consequence:
    Development of solutions
  • Solution:
    detect – remove – reuse microplastics and micropollutants from water

Microplastic and micropollutants such as pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals, pesticides, hormones and heavy metals have become a global environmental problem.

By now, they have literally been found everywhere - in our oceans, rivers, ecosystems, soils, and air, in animals and in human bodies. Their global distribution happens mainly through the water cycle and is directly linked to the health of ourselves and our ecosystems: Microplastics for instance have been found in human organs, in organs and muscles of fish negatively affecting their reproduction systems and instincts, they lead to the starvation of mussels and make sea salt the most microplastic-contaminated food.

Up to now, water treatment does not prevent their distribution, because existing processes are not able to remove microplastic and micropollutants efficiently and sustainably from contaminated water. Their ongoing dispersion is a widely uncontrolled, unregulated, and uncontrollable process. This needs to stop. Political action is vital. Industrial and scientifically based solutions need to be developed and implemented.

Looking at the pollution hot spot oceans: Will we be able to clean them from microplastics and micropollutants? The answer to this is no - due to the fact, that about 2/3 of the earth's surface is covered with sea water and microplastics are literally everywhere.

BUT what we could do, is to drastically reduce their further dispersion. Wasser 3.0 has been researching and developing solutions for making water free from microplastics and micropollutants. We could start implementing our solutions for the cleaning of coastal zones, harbors and marinas, aquacultures, sea salt extraction farms and seawater containing industrial processes. Now.

Wasser 3.0 has been doing research on microplastic and micropollutants in waters since 2012, when inventor and founder Dr. Katrin Schuhen started to work as a junior professor for organic and ecological chemistry. Since May 2020, Wasser 3.0 is a German non-profit organization offering new perspectives & solutions for water, microplastic and micropollutants.

Our vision and mission are to make cleaner water worldwide by setting new quality standards for water treatment aligned with environmental protection and the United Nations Sustainability Goals. Water is a human right. For us it is therefore imperative to work non-profit. Moreover, awareness raising, and educational campaigns go along our research and development activities to encourage environmentally responsible behaviors.

There is a wide range of materials for water, micropollutants and microplastics available for free download on our website – some in English, more in German.

Photo credits by: ©wasserdreinull

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