
Lighthouse Foundation

  • Main problem:
    Destruction of ocean environments around the world
  • Subproblem:
    Loss of marine life and habitats
  • Consequence:
    Need for education & awareness
  • Solution:
    Supporting organizations that are dedicated to preserve our ocean environments, education

Earth's oceans are what give our planet its iden­tity - the blue planet, the wa­tery globe.

They are the cradle of life, the re­gion with the highest level of biod­iversity we know, an ir­re­place­able source of food, a source and a stor­age cham­ber in world-scale chem­ical and en­ergy cycles, the en­gine of earth's cli­mate. The oceans de­term­ine the nature and qual­ity of the bio­sphere far bey­ond their coast­lines. They are the sus­tain­ing, all-en­com­passing ele­ment in the global bio­sphere.
Our Vision - a just fu­ture for all hu­man be­ings on our ‘blue plan­et’
Our Mission - the pro­mo­tion of in­teg­rated sus­tain­able de­vel­op­ment pro­cesses and re­spons­ible be­ha­viour to pro­tect our mar­ine en­vir­on­ment
Our Strategy - sup­port­ing pro­jects which aim to solve prob­lems in mar­ine loc­a­tions, as an ex­ample of the feas­ib­il­ity of sus­tain­able de­vel­op­ment. High­light­ing the in­ter­de­pend­ence of hu­mans and the sea, and bring­ing about a bet­ter pub­lic un­der­stand­ing of mar­ine is­sues.
What does that mean for our work?
Resillienz The found­ing of the Found­a­tion is based on the in­sight that the cur­rent de­vel­op­ment of hu­man­ity will lead to a great fail­ure. This is the mes­sage of the first and second Rio Con­fer­ences, and of all the de­vel­op­mental goals that hu­man­ity has shared since then. Whether we will leave this path is un­cer­tain. There­fore, it is im­port­ant to strengthen com­munit­ies that want something dif­fer­ent and to strengthen the re­si­li­ence of ex­em­plary de­vel­op­ments. Change What should stay, that must change. The global crisis re­quires com­pre­hens­ive change in all areas in or­der to en­able a world worth liv­ing for in the fu­ture as well. This is not easy, but small steps will not help. The read­i­ness to ques­tion nearly everything is dif­fi­cult for most people and re­quires a lot of cour­age and en­ergy. We help. Future The fu­ture is not pre­de­ter­mined. Des­pite all the gloomy pre­dic­tions and low prob­ab­il­it­ies, it is worth work­ing with the op­tim­ism and cre­ativ­ity on a roadmap for a good fu­ture for all of us. Be­cause without this map and way­po­ints for ori­ent­a­tion and re­flec­tion, we will not find the way. We build with. What is the added value? Deal­ing with these is­sues is a ma­jor chal­lenge for our pro­ject part­ners, be­cause deal­ing with com­plex, un­cer­tain is­sues al­ways has an ef­fect on the or­gan­iz­a­tion it­self. There­fore, we sup­port our pro­ject part­ners also in the in­dis­pens­able per­sonal and in­sti­tu­tional de­vel­op­ment.

Photo Credits by: ©lighthousefoundation

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