Coral Bleaching
Global Warming

Livingseas Foundation

Padang Bai, Manggis - Bali - Indonesia
  • Main problem:
    Loss of biodiversity due to destruction of coral reefs
  • Subproblem:
    Unsustainable fishing methods, marine pollution, climate crisis
  • Consequence:
    Destruction of habitats, Water temperature increase
  • Solution:
    Restore and preserve marine ecosystems and the biodiversity for the long term.

From coral reef restoration to coastal and marine waste management and education initiatives, we are working with local communities in Bali, Indonesia, to develop impactful projects to restore marine biodiversity and protect the ocean and its environment.
The Livingseas Coral Restoration Reef is one of the largest coral reef restoration projects in Indonesia. It is located just off the coast of Padang Bai, a small fishing village in northeast Bali, and will cover an area of 5 hectares. Active restoration work began in 2020.

The History
What we witnessed as active divers and instructors in more than a decade of diving was so alarming that it became impossible to look away without taking action. We saw first-hand how what we love, the ocean, was suffering. Reefs were disappearing or dwindling. Marine life seemed to disappear...

The Way Forward

We wanted to get out of the passive corner. We packed up our equipment, got on the boat and started rebuilding coral reefs. We experimented with different growing structures and reef substrates. Originally a hobby, rebuilding marine ecosystems became our main concern with the start of the pandemic in 2021 due to the absence of diving tourists.

The Now
This "small" sideline of a dive center in Bali, has evolved into a non-profit organization dedicated not only to rebuilding coral reefs, but to restoring entire coastal and marine ecosystems and thus improving the living conditions of people in coastal communities. Today, we are the second largest restored coral reef of its kind in Indonesia and, in addition to restoring marine ecosystems, we are also working on implementing waste management solutions on land.

Welcome to the Livingseas Foundation!
We are dependent on donations to continue our projects. Many hands make light work.

Foto Credits by: @Livngseasfoundation

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