Coral Bleaching
Global Warming

Beyond Coral Foundation

- USA and Mexico
  • Main problem:
    Climate Change
  • Subproblem:
    Loss of coral reefs
  • Consequence:
    Destruction of habitats, Water temperature increase
  • Solution:
    Monitoring and restoration of coral reefs

Beyond Coral Foundation

is a non-profit organization with projects and partners in the United States, Mexico and Australia.
Our Coral monitoring partners, Corales Tulum, are a community of dive instructors and rangers working with the mexican/caribbean biosphere reserve and have current agrar certification for the documentation and monitoring of corals since 2018.

Coral reefs are vital ecosystems that provide livelihood for 25% of life in the ocean. However devastating, it is estimated that 99% of coral reefs will disappear and die within the century. 

Therefore the next 10 years are critical in identifying solutions to restore coral reefs economically and at-scale. 

We use an emerging global-fragmentation and assisted evolution to grow resistant corals and restore reefs.

  • Corals grown in nurseries can survive the warmer temperatures of the future. Coras can hybridize, which also increases natural genetic diversity.
  • Micro-fragmentation accelerates coral growth up to 50 times its natural rates
  • Healthy coral is a vital part of costal ecosystems, which in turn contributes to a vibrant economy.
  • The ability to grow diverse corals will meet the needs of a specific local environment
  • Data from the laboratory can provide scientists and policy makers with important information about the local environment

Phots credits by: ©Beyond Coral Foundation

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