Global Warming

Oceans North

  • Main problem:
    Climate Change
  • Subproblem:
    Destructive human influence on the ecosystem
  • Consequence:
    Water temperature increase
  • Solution:
    Marine Conversation with the help of local communities

Oceans North 

is a charitable organization that fosters science- and community-based conservation in the Arctic and Atlantic regions of Canada, as well as western Greenland. Our goal is to promote policies and programs that address the unprecedented environmental changes taking place in northern marine ecosystems and ensure that they are protected within the framework of Indigenous knowledge, rights and consultation.

A few examples of our approach are:
In Nunavut, Oceans North supported the Qikiqtani Inuit Association’s Tallurutiup Imanga (Lancaster Sound) report outlining Inuit land use and occupancy that is key to the establishment of a national marine conservation area in this region.

In Labrador, Oceans North has partnered with the Nunatsiavut government to study a unique population of freshwater seals in the Torngat Mountain National Park.
Oceans North has backed the efforts of the Nunavik community of Aupaluk to use traditional knowledge to document marine wildlife use of Ungava Bay in anticipation of increased industrial development.

In the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Oceans North worked with the Inuvialuit Game Council on a three-year pilot program for community-based monitoring.
Nationally, Oceans North has supported the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami’s Nulliajut project to gather Inuit views of the Northwest Passage.

Internationally, Oceans North worked with the Inuit Circumpolar Council in both Canada and Greenland to establish an Inuit-led commission that made recommendations on how best to protect Pikialaorsuaq, or the North Water polynya.

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